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It Was Just Us......
Many of you have been rocking with me for quite some time and you know a little about my back story. For those who are not too familiar with it, here's a quick synopsis.
There I was, 17 years old, away from home, living the college life! Free to do WHATEVER I WANTED! With no direction from home, no one to hold my hand at school and no true plan, I was set up to fail. Within three semesters at VSU I became a full blown statistic. I met a guy that, I guess, filled a void in the first semester, moved off campus and in with him by the second semester and pregnant by the third.
To read more about this story, click "Read More".

They Deserved Better!
I realized that the road that I was traveling was exactly what I ran from when I was 17 years old. I became what I saw; 20 years old with two children (both girls). It was up to me to ensure that my girls NEVER felt "trapped" in their own home based on the life I was choosing for them, so I had to grow up and alter my steps! I had to learn how to maneuver around having three felonies on my background and land a better paying job. I had to realize that the father of these girls didn't "owe" me (or them) anything and I had to focus on us. I had to buckle down and turn my goal of getting out of section 8 housing into a reality; of our first home with a backyard to play in. I had to get back into school and complete my education. And that is what I did because they, knew, WE deserved better.
Read the full article HERE