It CAN be about YOU!

Thinking about the many battles that I have faced in my life, the one that I had with myself was the toughest! It becomes so easy to get caught in the cycle of putting others first and feeling like you are selfish otherwise. As children many are taught to please others and make them comfortable. It is rare to see children being encouraged to think about themselves first. Really, the first time I heard it said out loud is when I took my first flight! The flight attendant told us that if oxygen masks are deployed, place our owns on first and then help your neighbor. This statement makes it very clear that YOU should be the priority in your life! While this is understood, it can still be difficult to do. That is where I come in.
Let's talk!
Schedule time to begin your healing journey now!
Here are some reasons to schedule
- * You get anxiety when you have to say “No”
- * You get overwhelmed with other people’s projects
- * You are fatigued in group settings
- * You feel ashamed when you look in the mirror
- * You shut down to avoid tough conversations
- * You find it hard to be truthful with those that you love
- * And the list goes on

Your initial session will consist of reviewing your intake form, a surface dive into your overall coaching goal(s) and general discussion to formulate a coaching plan. Each subsequent session will be 45 minutes each. You may choose from the 4 week, 6 week or retention package. All sessions have the option of being virtual or in-person based on your location and preference. Take some time, and when you are ready schedule your session today!
Let's talk!
Schedule time to begin your healing journey now!