
Life Coach

What is a Life Coach?


A Life Coach is a trained, experienced professional who assists individuals identify and accomplish personal and professional life goals. Life Coaches address areas such as low self-esteem, identity loss (due to life changes), self-sabotage, career growth, family growth and more! Unlike therapists, *we do not dig into and focus on past issues, Life Coaches focus on your current and future goals. Life Coaches come in many forms, both certified through life and certified through formal programs and I am proud to be in both buckets. Some people even think of their Life Coach as that one best friend that holds them accountable, shares valuable wisdom and gives them the space to grow into the person they have a goal to be. Think of it as the WD-40 of your mind.


Why Would You Want a Life Coach?


There is a great stigma around the idea of seeking help from any person that is outside of your family or “friend” circle that we have to dismantle. There are going to be places in your life that are not navigable with the persons and resources in your immediate grasp. Too often, those that share your space on a regular basis are in a way, a source of your need for help. Gaining the insight of a trained professional is vital in walking you off of the hamster wheel of life that we get so easily caught on. Your want for a Life Coach is to create an avenue that allows you to have free flowing thoughts and resource that assists with goal setting and achievements.

Life is an ever-evolving place that does not always give grace or space for slowing down. This can weigh heavily on you and without proper support, can bring you to your knees. A Life Coach is there to be that support, to provide you with tools and skills to stay in the race of life on a pace that is sustainable for you. Think about the college student who is about to walk into the adult arena where there of life altering choices that MUST be made, but all they can do in the moment is shut down from the pressure. Or the busy career woman who is swiftly climbing the corporate ladder that just received the new that she is pregnant, but the father is no longer in the picture. She now has to learn to live life as a successful career woman and single mother or make a decision that does not have one or the other in it.

Schedule Your Discovery Call

We all face difficult choices every day, some more extreme than others, and we do not always have a “phone a friend” option available. In each of the examples listed above, it is very easy for the parties involved to sink into a dark space based on the heaviness of decisions that need to be made. In these cases, judgment and weighted opinions are not needed, reorganization and clarity are.  My focus is listening to your story, working with you to set obtainable goals, providing solutions to obstacles, and creating a plan that would allow you to freely live life as you desire.

Being a multi-business owning entrepreneur married to another business owner with 3.5 of the 5 children at home, it can become challenging to keep life on track. This is where I implement my own personal Life Coaching plan, step back and regroup regularly.

As your Life Coach, I am dedicating myself to guiding you on a clearer path that starts with YOU! This will be done by providing life-altering, long lasting tools, tips, and resources. Check out these common reasons people retain Life Coaches.

Common Causes Requiring Reconnection

  • Weight Gain
  • Body Image
  • Career Choices
  • Work-Life Balance
  • Childbirth
  • Break Up/Heart Break
  • Lack of Intimacy
  • Success
  • Self-Hate
  • Fear
  • Self-Disconnection

…and more

Who Is a Candidate for Life Coaching?


Life Coaching is not for every person that encounters a bump in the road of life because every person may not be ready to address that bump. Above I asked the question, “Why would you WANT a Life Coach” versus “Why would you NEED a Life Coach”. While there are many with a need for a Life Coach, only someone who wants a Life Coach should seek one out. Why you ask? Typically, when you are in need, you are usually in a state of panic and searching for a “quick fix” that may not be sustainable long-term. When you recognize you are sinking into a place of disarray and want support before things get too far from, you tend to open your life toolbox to receive.

Day 5 Goals

You may be a candidate for Life Coaching if….


  • You don’t know how to celebrate your “wins”
  • You built a barrier around yourself that does not allow others to get close to you
  • You create environments that leave you in a “losing” situation
  • You do NOT speak up for yourself
  • You are unhappy internally and unsure why
  • You do NOT speak your truth
  • You hide from your family and friends to avoid “conflict”
  • You do NOT feel worthy of love and respect
  • You “run” but you are still in the same place

And this list could go on, so let us discuss a plan and options that are right for you!

What Can You Expect?


There are a couple things that you should expect based on the options/package that you choose. If you are on the fence about obtaining a Life Coach, you can choose to schedule a discovery call. When scheduling your discovery call, you will complete a brief questionnaire which will give me a general idea of your wants, needs and desires. During your discovery call we will narrow down where you would best benefit guidance in and discuss an overall plan for how we would tackle it. Throughout your coaching journey you will receive valuable information and “homework” that will give you new perspective on ways you are currently navigating life. Each session is designed to add new perspective and tools to your life toolbox!

Each session will be scheduled using an electronic scheduling program and will be executed using Zoom teleconferencing platform. This way I can be your guide anywhere in the world you have internet access. Yes, there are alternative communication methods to this that we can discuss on an individual basis.

Any of this sounds like what you have been searching for? Great! Click the Services tab and select the package that best serves you. Now I know choosing the best service for yourself can be difficult and certainly should not be a pressured decision. Not sure which to choose? No worries click HERE to schedule a discovery call and get started!


*While there will be a time that past/childhood is addressed, it will not be a focal point of resolution

Get Started Today