Marriage be like

We Have A Dream


When you were a young woman or young man, you may have had a creative vision of what your marriage would look like. A lot of that creative vision may have come from what you watched on television, in current time, what you see on social media, and for sure what you have witnessed in your family. Thinking as a generation Xer, I can say that I was not privy to the “dark” side of marriage because the generation before me was raised under the “what happens in this house, stays in this house”. And for the most part, children weren’t allowed around “grown folks” conversations. With that, they grew up under the notion that children shouldn’t see much and only be told what they need to do and know. And so that is what was passed along to us. This process of withholding information left plenty of room to add to the creativity of the vision.

Myth Busted!


What myth have you busted?

How does one keep a happy, healthy sɘx life over the long-term? Thinking about the 16 years that I have been married, I began to reflect on what keeps our intimacy strong and sɘxual experiences positive, productive, and pleasurable. Below are three ways to have positive sɘxual experiences with your partner.

It’s The Balance For Me

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It's The Balance For Me

I like to think of marriage as an intricate dance that requires balance to execute. When you think about balance, you may visualize something that, even when it’s a little shaky, it is steady enough to remain upright. And that, in our minds, would constitute a success! As long as it doesn’t topple over, it’s all good right? In terms of an object or building, sure, this is what we may all consider to be a success, it didn’t fall. Now think about this in terms of a marriage or relationship, would it be enough that the marriage didn’t “fall” or should other components be considered?

Because Infidelity


Because Infidelity

Infidelity is a hard pill to swallow, even if it were liquid. On a recent episode of  OWN's Belle Collective, one of the women was on her way to a lunch meeting with two of her girlfriends when all of a sudden, her husband pops up. He claimed that he showed up because she wasn’t answering his calls and he was worried for her safety, but she quickly squashed that idea and called him out on that half-truth! So, what was he really doing following her to an innocent brunch with the girls in the middle of the day? Well, the back story may help you come to your own informed conclusion.

Don’t F*ck With My Wife


Don't Fu*k With My Wife!

What does it mean (look like) to cover your spouse? Most of the responses will be based on tradition, what’s been taught, and/or biblically rooted, and certainly will vary based on gender roles. Here are three ways to cover your spouse.
  • * Think and speak positivity into each other. 
  • * Be transparent in your communication with each other
  • * Be the shield that protects for all outside forces that threaten your union
When you think about covering your spouse, you may think about the words Protect, Provide, or even Pray. While I can agree with this, I know that truly covering your spouse comes into play when you fully understand what Protect, Provide and Pray entails.

Marriage Is


Marriage Is....

Minding your own business while your partner is dead center of it! Have you ever been sitting on the couch, reading a good book or watching one of your favorite shows and BOOM! Your partner plops themselves down beside you and starts a conversation or just stares at you as if they’d like to say something. Either way, you immediately have the urge to break the concentration that you had on that book or show and redirect it to your partner. Depending on where you are mentally is what that will look like to your partner. This moment that I just described is marriage defined.

Look Who’s Getting Married


Look Who's Getting Married

Thinking about planning one of the most memorable days of your life, you have the venue, the caterer, the DJ, the florist and even the cake Maker! That's before you get to the people! And that list is just the tip of the diamond 😉. Taking steps towards a committed union is such a delicate time and having support that promotes a healthy and happy marriage is important. Simply thinking about my own marriage, happily united over 16 years and counting, I often think about the challenges that we faced with little to no support.

Do You Want to be Fed or F*cked?


You want to be Fed or Fu*ked

In my career, I have worked with an array of amazing couples. While they are very different, and come from different backgrounds, their need for support shares a common theme.


One of the things that I love about what I do is the ability to share new and different perspectives, along with effective communication tools. Creating easy to use, and navigate, avenues have been beneficial to my past, current and future clients. Talking about the things that we want to avoid most can be a game changer in your relationship, and having the tools to do it, takes to a new level!

Celebrate June


Celebrations in June

June is a month full of celebrations for me, and I want to celebrate with you! This past weekend I celebrated 16 amazing years married to my handsome husband, and this weekend I will celebrate my birthday! Phew, that’s a lot of celebrations huh? I take each of these days very seriously as they all have significant meaning in my life.

A New Home For Us


A New Home!

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been diligently working on so many new ventures that I feel like we haven't talked in forever!  A couple of weeks ago I shared the news about the launch of Date Night RVA, Richmond's first dating social club for couples. This is one of the newest services that I am overly excited to offer through my coaching practice, Love & Intimacy 101. In my opinion it is important to offer services in multiple ways and formats to allow me to reach people in different ways. I understand that the traditional, "sit on the couch" approach may not appeal to all, so I am happy about this more action centered style.  But that is not why I am writing you this evening.