It’s The Balance For Me

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It's The Balance For Me

I like to think of marriage as an intricate dance that requires balance to execute. When you think about balance, you may visualize something that, even when it’s a little shaky, it is steady enough to remain upright. And that, in our minds, would constitute a success! As long as it doesn’t topple over, it’s all good right? In terms of an object or building, sure, this is what we may all consider to be a success, it didn’t fall. Now think about this in terms of a marriage or relationship, would it be enough that the marriage didn’t “fall” or should other components be considered?

Do You Want to be Fed or F*cked?


You want to be Fed or Fu*ked

In my career, I have worked with an array of amazing couples. While they are very different, and come from different backgrounds, their need for support shares a common theme.


One of the things that I love about what I do is the ability to share new and different perspectives, along with effective communication tools. Creating easy to use, and navigate, avenues have been beneficial to my past, current and future clients. Talking about the things that we want to avoid most can be a game changer in your relationship, and having the tools to do it, takes to a new level!