Sooo.... Megan Thee Stallion and Cardi B did a thing

At midnight Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion released their single, "WAP". Now prior to it's release I'm sure there were many unsuspecting fans trying to figure out just what in the world was WAP, like what did that even mean. Well, if you listened to the unedited version then you learned that it stands for Wet Ass Pussy. Ooops, how many of you cringed reading that in your head just now? If that's you, I hope you cringed because of how powerful of a word you just read and not because of the stereotypical negative stigma placed on the word. I will admit, you will not catch me writing about hip hop artists on a regular basis; this was worth my time.
I can feel it (and I've read some of it) there are going to be a ton of bible pushing, holier than thou, we were delivered by the stork types of people ready to tear down this entire song, we'll just let them be and to each their own. By the way, yes I believe in GOD, don't want you thinking I'm some bible hating heathen or something. Now back to the point of this story. When I watched this video on YouTube today, I actually had a smile on my face. No it's not because I was looking at tons of ass, I'm happily married and enjoy looking at my husband's butt just fine. I was smiling because before the words started, I felt a certain power within the video. I mean there were two ladies with water shooting from their boobs out the gate, literally! Then it goes right into the scene of Meg and Cardi laying in a den of snakes; whew, gave me chills! Here are two boss ladies spitting hard ass lyrics among a variety of snakes! And did you hear that bass hit!? Psst, do yourself a favor and look up snakes before you add that to your judgement sheet.
Own your Sexuality, Demand your Pleasure and Control your Body!
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The vibes of this video gave me that of the fight that we as women have given for too many years that slowly swaying our way! That's simply the right to own our sexuality, control what happens with/to our bodies and to demand sexual pleasure our way! These two displayed a strength in womanhood that not a lot of us are strong enough to do anymore. Stereotypes and judgment has begun to cast the Chastity belt/Scarlet letter shadow back around. The lyrics commanded attention to what they desired for their personal pleasure. And before we jump back on the high horse, Cardi is a married mother, so what she commands of her marital penis is her entire business. Shoot, even if she wasn't, she better command that "big mac truck right in that little garage"! Ladies, you have to stop being afraid of expressing what you desire, want and need sexually because of what someone else may think. For hundreds of years we had absolutely no control over our own bodies, and this is still true, to date, in some countries.
Hell, it's not too long ago that some woman were not allowed (yes I said allowed) to purchase birth control! Now let that sink in. I want nothing more than for every woman to feel confident in her own ability to control her body, command pleasure and be firm in her sexuality desires. To understand how precious and valuable she is and to feel brave in telling others what she wants! Listen carefully to the words that these ladies are saying in this song. They are simply giving direction to their partner of how to best please them, letting them know how they will reciprocate and the typical outcome if all directions are followed as given. Last time I checked, giving directions and potential outcomes have always been an accepted practice on your 9-5 right? IJS.
At the end of the day, what you do behind your doors is for you. I just hope that it's exactly what you want, desire and need sexually and if not that you reach out so we can alter your process. Owning your sexuality is a major key to controlling just about everything in your life. It boosts your confidence, it places your mind in a forward mode and it gives you command of situations in a different way. If you are in a place where you are not in full control of or are hesitant to take control of your sexuality, I am the coach for you! Through coaching or the Own Your Ish Sis! bootcamp you will learn steps and methods that will set you on a path of sexuality success.
Now let me ask you sis, do you own your ish?