Did You Know?

Spontaneity....do you possess it or does it scare you? Doing the same thing every day, all day works well for some but at some point you have to do something different. Have you ever arrived to your destination (home or work) and thought, "How did I get here"? You have driven this route so much that you just seem to arrive and don't notice anything in between; you forgot to take in the scenery.

When this becomes your sex life, you might as well just pull the covers up over your head and STAY IN BED.....ALONE!! If you are satisfied with missionary three days per week on Monday, Thursday and Saturday (before 6pm only)then by all means, be the best at it. But can I intrigue you with something??? Maybe push the limit and have a little missionary sex at 6:30 pm on Saturday......baby steps of course.

When you make changes in your bedroom, you make changes in your relationships. You'll be surprised to know how your sexuality can play into other areas of your life. Take control of your sexuality and watch your confidence grow. Want to learn more about this and more? Sign up for your initial coaching session today and let's get you on your way!